
Friday, July 6, 2012

Ball Jar Soap Dispenser.....Dollar Craft

I know, I know. These cute little Ball jar soap dispensers have been all over the ‘net, ‘specially my favorite, Pinterest! (By the way, come on by and follow me HERE .) But I just figured that on the off-chance of someone not finding the directions, you could use mine!

The way I did mine came out to $1.00! Yep, just one smack-a-roo. Thrifty and frugal, gotta love it! I already had the jar (given to me), so all I needed was the hand soap from my local Dollar Tree.

It was a cute dispenser anyway!

Here’s a quick list of what you’ll need:

1 Ball jar, any size
1 container of hand soap (be sure it also has the pump)
6000 glue, pliers, either a drill with large bit, or just a large nail and hammer

For the lid, all I did was start a hole in the center. I worked my pliers, pulling back the tin until I had a hole big enough that would accommodate the pump. (This part was easy, as the tin is not especially thick.)

As soon as you know it fits, take 6000 glue and glue the cap around the pump to the lid. I put it between two blocks to let it dry overnight.

Just be sure that the hose just touches the bottom of your jar (I had to cut mine a little to make it shorter). Pour in the soap, then attach the lid and jar ring. There you have it! So kitchey-cute, great for presents with jute twine or initials done in vinyl!

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I can’t thank y’all enough for stopping by and taking a peek into my little craft world! Please be sure to leave a comment, I love and read each one!!! I'm sharing this decorating idea with the following link-up parties:

TaterTots and Jello
Design Dazzle
Uncommon Designs
Savvy Southern Style
The 36th Avenue
Five Days, Five Ways
French Country Cottage
I Should be Mopping the Floor
At the Picket Fence
Be sure to go by and see all of the other great ideas for DIY crafting!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this, it looks fantastic!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
    Best wishes from Australia,

  2. This is too cute! Would love for you to share it with my readers at my linky party - I'm following, now, & can't wait to read more!

    Have a great week!
    Stringtown Home

  3. What a great tutorial! I am pinning it :)

  4. Hello Ladies!
    Thanks so much for all of your comments! I can't tell you how much I appreciate them ;)

  5. Very efficiently written information. It will be beneficial to anybody who utilizes it, including me. Keep up the good work. For sure i will check out more posts. This site seems to get a good amount of visitors. Best automatic soap dispenser


Leaving comments has been known to make you richer, more successful and gorgeous! Well, maybe not, but I do love comments and I read each one! LOL!