
Monday, July 9, 2012

Make your own plates ~ Another Dollar store craft

These plates were so much fun, and super-duper easy to make too! I bought 2 ceramic plates at Dollar Tree the other day....thought this would be a fun weekend craft for Ms. M. and I to try out. I've seen these on Pinterest before (I know, who hasn't, right?) and was a little skeptical on how they'd turn out (the markers not washing off). Well, I was delightfully surprised!

As you can see, Ms. M. is at the table with all of our supplies: plates, sharpie markers (in a ton of colors!), tape for our home-made stencils, and that's it! (Oh my, oh my, this would be so much easier with a Silhouette! LOL!....Santa, can you hear me???????)

All we did was figure out ahead of time what we wanted to do. Just beware, once you've marked on the plate, you can't erase it, so we were pretty careful :)

I wanted to do a monogrammed initial plate for my soon-to-be initial wall in our bedroom. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.

I wasn't sure of what Ms. M. had decided to do, but I LOVE what she did!

This is a great idea to do with the kids, especially when it's 98 outside, with a heat index of 110! It didn't take us long to make them. After you get done with your art, place in a 150 degree oven for 30 minutes and they're done!

Great idea for a grandparent would be to outline the kids hands on a plate, have them color it and date it! I love the monogram plates too....very frugal idea for a dinner party and will only cost you $1.00 per plate!

I can’t thank y’all enough for stopping by and taking a peek into my little craft world! Please be sure to leave a comment, I love and read each one!!! I'm sharing this decorating idea with the following link-up parties:

TaterTots and Jello
Uncommon Designs
Savvy Southern Style
The 36th Avenue
Five Days, Five Ways
French Country Cottage
I Should be Mopping the Floor
At the Picket Fence


  1. Great idea! I think that we need a Santa plate for our house and for a dollar I can do that!

  2. I love decorating plates from the dollar store! I hope you get your cutter for Christmas, although you may become addicted to vinyling your plates then...I might just be speaking from personal experience. ;)

  3. I was trying to find something different that the kids at our church could make as a keepsake craft to commemorate their First Communion! I kept seeing the craft kits and was groaning over the expense . . .we have 35 kids for whom we have to buy supplies and a teensy, almost non-existent budget. Thanks for the great idea!

  4. What brand of markers did you use....I did a plate, took it out of the oven 45 min. ago to cool ....I just hand washed it & all my work washed off....even the sharpie marker....what did I do wrong???

    1. My daughter did this project for Christmas and she had the same problem with it coming off the plate (she used sharpie markers as well). $40.00 and she gave 20 people presents that they will have for years to come as long as they dont wash them.

    2. I haven't tried this but I heard you need to use oil based Sharpies and bake. May be worth the try!


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