
Friday, July 6, 2012

Fingerprint Friday....

There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:
I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know its true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of god

So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them?

I was in the back yard pulling up mushrooms last week (it's amazing how these things will sprout up over night!) and just happened to turn one over. WOW! How intricate! I was awed at how each flange on the mushroom was made and spaced apart......only our God could create something so pretty! Mushrooms pretty? Why yes! I'm prone to see the beauty in God's creations in just about everything, but never thought about mushrooms......What about you?

Be sure to take a look at Beki's Blog to see the other "Fingerprints" from today!

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