
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Painted vase, paper flowers and washi tape......

I know, I know…… vases are made for flowers, but who said they had to be real flowers?

Remember this vase?

Well, it needed a paint job! LOL! So that’s what I did

1 bottle of acrylic paint was all I needed to coat this little girl (I got it on sale for .67 at HobLob). Lots of swishing (the paint I bought was pretty thick, so not so much swishing, just turning and coaxing!) Since the shape of this vase was not straight up-and-down, I couldn’t use a paint brush. As a lot of the tute’s say, turn upside down, then move the vase every 15 minutes or so. That way the paint doesn’t puddle that much and your vase won’t get stuck to the paper! Not too shabby for only $1.17!

Ms. M has a Sizzix machine, so she was able to crank out some really cute flowers in no time for me! All done in our citrus tablescape theme! I had some wooden skewers that I wrapped in washi tape, then just taped the flowers onto them {I cut the skewers to different lengths too}.

This is a bright and cheery part of my tablescape. This reveal is taking a little longer to put together, as I’m trying not to go out and purchase a lot of things to add to it. Also trying to take advantage of things around the neighbor’s yard my yard that work well too!

Oh, by-the-by, look at these super cute placemats! Easy-peasy and cheap! Will post on these tomorrow!

I really appreciate you coming by to take a look-see at what I've been up to! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! :)
Sharing this on-going project with the following AWESOME link-up parties!!!

TaterTots and Jello
Design Dazzle
Uncommon Designs
Savvy Southern Style
The 36th Avenue
Ivy and Elephants

Be sure to go by and see all of the other great ideas for DIY crafting!


  1. Oh I'm glad you decided to paint it! I love the yellow :)

    1. Thanks so much Becca! My 13 yo saw it and thought it looked "cool" !LOL!

  2. Hi, I'm trying to email you back but I can't find your email address. Email me when you can :) Hope you are having a great day!

  3. Found you over on TT&J, & I wanted to let you know that we have a washi tape link party going on right now with prizes from Groupdealz for the top three projects. :)

    Would love for you to link this up.

    Ginger @

  4. Love it all! So adorable! Thanks for sharing with us this week!

    Take care,



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