
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Quail Aubusson Pillow

I love decorator pillows! They always make a space look soft, comfy, cozy, inviting. I would have them all over the house, but I have one major problem….. KIDS! They both have cool décor pillows of their own, but I normally find them stuffed under the bed, which, of course, aggravates me to no end! I know if I had a beautiful assortment of pillow for the couches, they’d end up on the floor, but I’m bound and determined to start acquiring some and see how it goes….. you know, they’re 11 and 13, so they can learn to pick them up, right? RIGHT???

While Hubs and I were out one glorious weekend (yep, no kiddos!) we drove over to Thomasville, GA and perused one of our favorite shops over there. They’ve got the COOLEST hunting ‘stuff’, along with the hunting décor items too. I fell in LURVE with a gorgeous Aubusson pillow with a covey of quail on it. Oh, my! It was BEAUTIFUL! Then I saw the price tag…… $80.00! Seriously, not too bad for an aubusson, but WAAAYYYYY to much for my frugal brain to fathom! Funny thing was, when Hubs saw it, he really liked it too (the price tag, not so much). Needless to say the craft wheel in my brain started churning, thinking this could be a really cool Father’s Day present.

This whole project only took about 2 hours, max. What you’ll need is:

1 sheet of Print n’ Press Iron-On ink jet Transfer paper
14” x 14” pillow form
1 piece of 15 ½” x 15 ½” fabric
2 pieces of 15 ½ x 10” fabric
2 yds trim for the pillow (optional)
Image that you want to print (be sure to reverse the image before you print it)

Scissors, matching thread

Print out your image to the transfer paper, then cut around the image

I had to use a wooden board, pillow case and iron on no steam to ensure that the image would take to the fabric (just follow the manufacturers instructions). I used a beautiful shade of gray linen for this pillow. Love that it only took less that ½ yard of it, and that the linen was on sale 50% off!

Pin the trim to the 15 ½ piece of fabric, with it facing the inside of the pillow and “tail” of the trim on the edge of the fabric. At this point I sewed around this piece of fabric, about 1/8” in, to secure the trim.

To make the pocket in the back, I folded up one side of the 15 ½ x 10” piece of fabric to ½ inch, then ½ inch again, ironing as I went, then sewed a straight line. Do that with the second piece too.

Attach the top part of the back piece, sew. Repeat with the bottom half. There’s your pocket! Turn inside out and stuff with the pillow form. Whew, you’re done! LOL!

See, wasn’t so bad was it? I have to say, Hubs really like his pillow today when he opened it up for Father’s Day. I know he was thinking to himself yesterday, “What in the world can she be making for me that I’d like?” We were both pleasantly surprised! We have a quail throw blanket that we use all of them time, and I didn’t realize it when I picked the colors for the pillow, but it matches perfectly!

This project only cost 1/10 of the original pillow I fell in love with (I did happen to have a pillow form at home, so didn't have to purchase one). Talk about frugal decorating..... YEA!

My next pillow project is for my Mom and Dad’s anniversary (which is actually tomorrow, so, yeah, it’s gonna be a little late). Thinking about a photo pillow… now just gotta find the right picture!

I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you taking time to visit me and my lil’ ol’ blog! I love, love, LOVE comments and read each one. I love blog hopping too, so I’d love to come and see what you’ve been up to! God Bless!

Sharing this on-going project with the following AWESOME link-up parties!!!

TaterTots and Jello
Design Dazzle
Uncommon Designs
Savvy Southern Style
The 36th Avenue
Five Days, Five Ways
French Country Cottage
Be sure to go by and see all of the other great ideas for DIY crafting!


  1. So much better than dishing out $80 ... plus the satisfaction of making it yourself. I have an 11 and soon-to-be-15 year old and they abuse all my pretty throw pillows. They have the nerve to rest on them and sit on them and even sleep on them ... and don't get me started with the food and drink stains on them!

    So I suggest you hide that lovely pillow for a few years ...



    1. Thanks so much for your comment Linda! LOL! Yep, dear hubby is resting his head on this pillow at night.....grrrr! But, I did make it for him, so he can do with it what he pleases! All of those other pillow ideas I have might need to wait, until they all take a Decorator Pillow Class 101!


Leaving comments has been known to make you richer, more successful and gorgeous! Well, maybe not, but I do love comments and I read each one! LOL!