
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Free Gardening ideas

Hmmm, I see a trend here…… My last post was about either Free or close-to-free items I bought at a store……. This one is about free flowers…… Frugality at its best!

Last year I bought a small envelope of Zinnia’s from Walmart. I’ve never tried to grow them before, but let me tell you, these are probably the EASIEST-PEASIEST flowers that have ever been GROWED before (I love saying GROWED, Tammy says it in “Tammy and the Batchelor”, one of my fav movies of all time!) Anywho. They germinated in about 4 days, and the only thing they require is sunlight and water. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! They grow super fast and are so beautiful, and boy do they make tons of seeds! That’s really why I call them FREE this year! All I did last year was dead-head the flowers, put them in a ziploc bag, let them dry and plant the seeds this year. So basically FREE flowers! I still have one other baggie of seeds that I didn’t plant this year, so after this crop, I should have enough next year to do about a gazillion acres (yes, slight exaggeration, but you get the point LOL!). Here are the little beauties:

These are actually the little Zinnias. I need to get some of the big-honkin’ ones for next year!

Just remember, you could have a whole FREE garden. Neighbor’s are usually great for flower clippings or seed sharing. Cozy on up to them and start a seed-swap, the possibilities are endless! I’ve also replanted some Lantana that grows in my back yard. They didn’t grow at all last year, but they sure are this year. I guess after they’ve been transplanted it takes a year for them to get comfy in their new spot. I should have some tiny guests visiting this summer (butterflies LOVE Zinnias and Lantana!).

Sharing this free gardening project with the following AWESOME link-up parties!!!

TaterTots and Jello
Design Dazzle
Uncommon Designs
Savvy Southern Style
The 36th Avenue
Five Days, Five Ways
French Country Cottage
Be sure to go by and see all of the other great ideas for DIY crafting!

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