
Friday, May 4, 2012

Trash can redo

I guess when you're updating a look in your house, we tend to forget the smaller items that might be due for a facelift! I repainted the hallway bathroom about 2 years ago and have been adding things here and there to make it look nice (trust me, it's so much better than the pink/green floral wallpaper and border from the 70's!). I don't know what made me think about it (maybe 'cause I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor with Comet), but when I saw our trash can, it truly made me shudder! You know, that kind of "mufasa" (come on people, you know you've watched Lion King 9 million times, so you know the inflection I'm using here! LOL!) moment when you say, "Why did I not do something about this sooner?" Well, I finally put it out of it's misery and made it PURTY!

I CAN NOT BELIEVE that I didn't get a picture of what this tin looked like before-hand, I guess I was in too much of a hurry to get the thing covered with something other than burgundy! Don't get me wrong, burgundy is a lovely color, and I had a ton of it in my house back in the 90's, but when your bathroom is blue and brown, something just doesn't look right! LOL!

Ok, so easy-peasy. I just spray painted it white, like so:

(see, you can see a hint of the burgundy showing through) It took several coats of spray paint!

Then I just dry brushed on (with a sponge) the blue for the wheat-like shafts, and then brown for the X's and O detail. Also did the lines with the brown, blue on top for the "rope-y" design. I had a can of clear varnish spray, so used 2 coats to help protect it a little better........

I have to remind myself that when looking for items to 'redo', I need to look up and down, not just eye level! Hope you've enjoyed this little tute and have a BLESSED WEEKEND EVERYONE!

Sharing this on-going project with the following AWESOME link-up parties!!!

TaterTots and Jello
Design Dazzle
Uncommon Designs
Savvy Southern Style
The 36th Avenue
Five Days, Five Ways French Country Cottage


  1. I can't believe this is a trash can! It turned out beautiful...thanks so much for sharing. I'm also your newest follower!

    1. Welcome Sherry~! Thanks so much for your sweet comments :)


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