
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New Subway art printable...... A godly mother

Hey y'all! Here's a new subway art printable that I made, just in time for Mother's Day.

While I was on InTouch's website, I saw this quote from Dr. Charles Stanley. It struck me as I read it. So simple, yet so powerful! I truly hope, each day, that I am a good christian role model for my kids.

It's hard, I'm SOOOOOO not perfect, never will be, but I try to make sure my heart is right and I really do hope that I am a GOOD witness to my kiddos.

With Mother's Day right around the corner, feel free to print this out, put it in a pretty frame, and give it as a gift! I hope all of you SUPER Momma's out there have a FANTASTIC Mother's Day this Sunday!

Sharing this with the following awesome link-up parties!
Uncommon Designs Online


  1. I love this! May have to print this one out for next year! Thanks so much for sharing with us!

    Take care,


    1. Thanks for commenting Trish! Be my guest ;)
      Happy Mother's Day!


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