
Monday, January 30, 2012

A Week of Easy Meals......

Here are some easy-peasy meals to make this week for your family.

Monday: Cheesy Potato Soup , bread or rolls
Tuesday: Chicken and Dressing (this is from Aunt Bea's Mayberry Cookbook, I'll post the recipe in a different thread)
Wednesday: Beef Stroganoff, green beans, salad
Thursday: Breakfast for Dinner! I love this :) 'specially with homemade skillet biscuits!
Friday: Chili (Carol Shelby's box mix), corn bread (Jiffy box)

Beef Stroganoff recipe:
2 lbs ground beef
1 can cream of mushroom soup
8 oz sour cream
1/4 cup milk
salt and pepper
1 bag of egg noodles

Brown ground beef in skillet. When beef is done, drain fat. Add soup and sour cream. Stir. Add the 1/4 cup milk and salt and pepper (to your taste).
Cook egg noodles according to directions.
Top egg noodles with beef stroganoff and serve with your favorite side dish!
Sometimes when I don't have the egg noodles on hand, I use toast. Then it turns into S.O.S. :) The kids and hubby love this and it's super easy and very quick to make. Great for those nights when time of of the essence!

What are you having for dinner this week?

PS. As I post this, I have the Cheesy Potato Soup in the Crock Pot and it smells AH-MAZING!!! I'll let you know how it turns out ;)


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