
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bolster pillow tutorial.....Quick, fast and easy!

We have been busy revamping Ms. M's room! We have already painted it a beautiful gray color, added some really cute wall decorations, and have re-done her dresser! She's going for an elegant but still-girly french motif, with a pop of HOT PINK! Yeppers, that's right, HOT PINK! :)

Here's a quick and SUPER EASY PEASY bolster pillow tutorial for ya. I used what I had left of some cotton duck material that I purchased at Hobby Lobby about 2 years ago. The length was 38", but I'm sure when I purchased it it was longer, but it still made for a really nice-sized bolster for her bed! I also had a pillow that we no longer used, so I cut off the cover and used it for the stuffing! Reuse, reduce, recycle! Oh, and can you say FRUGAL?????LOL!

I love being able to use what I already have at home! It's a challenge for me, because if you're like me, I LOVE LOVE LOVE to go out and purchase new "stuff!". This time I was able to use what I had and I'm pleased with the results. Ms. M was thrilled with her pillow, I guess it was the squeal that gave it away!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Sharing this quick tutorial with the following awesome link-up parties!

TaterTots and Jello
Design Dazzle
Uncommon Designs
Savvy Southern Style
The 36th Avenue
Five Days, Five Ways
French Country Cottage
I Should be Mopping the Floor
At the Picket Fence
Between Naps on the Porch
Stringtown Home
Claiming Our Space


  1. Love the tute. I need to make one of these to help keep the pillows from sliding into our downstairs couch. I would love it if you would share this on Tout It Tuesday.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing on Tout It Tuesday. Hope to see you tomorrow.

  2. YOur fabric is just beautiful. I love the classic pattern. I bet it looks beautiful in Miss M's room!
    Thanks for this easy tutorial! I am keeping this to make one in the future!
    I hope you will stop by StoneGable and share this great dyi at TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS, my weekly linky party. Link goes live tonight (Wednesday) at 8:00 pm.


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