
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Great finds #1........

Well, this haul isn't exactly from just this week...... We were out of town for a week while we went on vacation for Spring Break, so this is probably around 3 weeks.

Big Poppa needs shelves in his newly decorated room (reveal to come soon). So, to do it as cheaply as possible, I was going to buy a 2x10 board at Lowes and have them cut it in half, then purchase the L-shaped brackets to hold them up. All-in-all it would have been about $12.00, pretty cheap-o, eh? Well, to my amazement, when I was perusing the local Goodwill, I found these babies! Oh yeah!

Hmmm, what's that you say, only $3.00 each? SOLD! Have redone these honey's already and will reveal soon! Pretty much in love with the way they turned out. So about 1/2 the cost of what it would have cost for el-cheapo shelves in the first place....{{{{SCORE}}}}

I really like this glass thingy :) Not sure what it is or was it's used for, but I do like the shape of it. I'm thinking of pouring yellow paint inside, swishing it around, then let it drain, but kind of concerned that it might not work? Any of you ever done something like that? But if I do paint the inside, I can't put flowers in there.......oh dear, the decisions I have to make! LOL!. This little beaut was .50, broke the bank with this one.

Glass plates. $1.00 each. Don't know if I should decopauge fabric behind it, then paint an initial in the center, or just paint the initial underneath for a pretty place setting. Still thinking about this one.

Ms. M and I went to an Estate Sale this weekend and picked up this FLIPPIN' AWESOME blue Ball jar! $1.67 and that's all she wrote! I have been in search of the elusive blue Ball jar and so HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY that I found one. This is first of my new collection! I can just see some pretty Shasta Daisies in here, makes me SMILE!

So, there you have it! Will be on hunt again this week, I can just feel the bargains out there! I really appreciate y’all coming by my end of the world! I love me some comments, and I read each one. Are you hosting a link-up party? If so, please leave a comment and linky-dinky-do, and I’ll hop on over and share the love! Sharing this on-going project with the following AWESOME link-up parties!!!

TaterTots and Jello
Design Dazzle
Uncommon Designs
Savvy Southern Style
The 36th Avenue
Southern Hospitality Blog

Be sure to go by and see all of the other great ideas for DIY crafting!


  1. You found some great finds, the Ball jar had a wonderful price on it! I have so many of them that I don't buy them anymore:)
    Visting from Wow Us Wednesday!


    1. Thanks for stopping by Rondell! Keep on to your jars.....I saw some at an antique mall this weekend and they wanted $30 for each one!

  2. What great finds! Can't wait to see the shelves.

    Give the glass thingy a swirl with the paint. It was only .50 right? :)

    1. You're right Becca, I think I'll give the vase a swirl! :)

  3. I can't believe you found a blue Ball jar!!!! That is an awesome find.

  4. Great finds! I hit a Garage Sale this weekend and came home with some fun treasures, too. Nothing as awesome as a blue Ball jar though! Lucky lady!

    1. Ooooo, would love to see what you found Claire! I love yard sales and thrifing, you never know what you'll find !!!

  5. There are tutorials on Pinterest on how to paint the inside of glass, just do a search for it :-)

    1. Thanks for the info Kathie! I love me some Pinterest, will have to look for that tute! :)

  6. Those were really good finds! I love the blue ball jar! Stopping by from Southern Hospitality.

    1. Thanks so much Cristina! I appreciate your comment ;)
      Have a blessed weekend!

  7. I just found my first blue jar, except it has Atlas on it instead of Ball! Have a good week.

    1. That's really neat Jane, I've never heard of Atlas before....I'll have to look for one ;)


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