
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Southern Smothered Quail..... Yum!!!

We love Quail around this house! If it were up to hubs, we’d have a mess of it in the freezer from hunting season, but unfortunately we can’t seem to find a really good hunting spot, YET! There’s one out there somewhere! So, we cheat a little……… we are able to get a box of 36 quail at a local grocery store. Regular price is $34.99, but we wait until it goes on sale for $19.99, so we stock up.

So for years I’ve been doing the regular fried quail. Very good, but nothing that makes your tounge jump up and slap the roof of your mouth! Plus, it seems whenever I fry something, I don’t really like eating it, probably because I’ve got that “grease” feeling all over my clothes, hair, etc……. Anyway, I was looking for a quail recipe in an amazing recipe book that hubs and the kids bought me for my birthday one year, and I think I’ve found THE recipe! I’ve made it twice in the last month, and it’s definitely a keeper, and a FAVORITE! It might take a little time, but trust me, it’s worth the effort!

You will need:
12 wash and cleaned quail
1 ½ cups flour
1 tbsp salt
¾ tsp pepper
1 stick plus 2 tbsp butter (yes, please use butter!)
4 cups chicken broth or 4 cubes of chicken bullion

Clean and dry the quail.

Combine the flour, salt and pepper

Dredge the quail in the flour mixture

Melt the butter in a skillet

Brown the quail in the butter, about 3-4 minutes on each side

Place the quail in a 13x9 pan…… Get ready to make the gravy!

Keep that LUCIOUS butter with quail drippin’s! Add 6 tablespoons of flour to the butter and wisk. Add a little salt and pepper and make the roux (stir constantly until it’s a pretty light brown color). Then add the chicken stock (or if you’re using the bullion, microwave the 2 cups of water, plus 4 cubes until dissolved, then add enough ice to make a total of 4 cups, the liquid needs to be cool to thicken when you put into the roux). Stir on high heat for about 2 minutes, then pour over the quail.

Cover with tin foil and bake in a 350 degree oven for 1 hour.

This is what our plate looked like.

We had rice and cornbread stuffing as our sides that night. I’m seriously telling you, this gravy is the best I’ve ever tasted! Such a smooth, buttery flavor…..that’s why I wouldn’t suggest using margarine this time LOL!

It does take just a little while to get the recipe started, but then the oven does the work for the last hour (about 30 minutes prep time). I really hope you enjoy making, and, of course, eating, this recipe!!!!

I’m thrilled that you’ve taken time to stop by and see my tutorial! Please be sure to leave a comment! I read each one and would love to hop on over to your blog too! I'm sharing this decorating idea with the following link-up parties:

TaterTots and Jello
Design Dazzle
Uncommon Designs
Savvy Southern Style
The 36th Avenue

Be sure to go by and see all of the other great ideas for DIY crafting and recipes too!!!!!


  1. OMgoodness. I LOVE rice with gravy. It seems to be a southern thing.

    1. Oh yes Brandi, we love our rice with gravy too! :) Thanks for leaving a comment! I love reading each one!

  2. It's funny since I've lived most of my live in the South, but I've never eaten quail. It looks delicious. Visiting from Savvy Southern Style.

    1. Hey Babs! Thanks so much for leaving a comment! I've only started eating quail the last 3 years or so. Before that, I had never had it :)


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