
Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Do you ever have those days (or weeks) when you get in a food rut?

Sure, I look at, and other foodie sites.
Love what they have on there, but do I feel like cooking it? No.

(Although this does look AH-MAZING!)
Cajun Chicken Pasta

Take a lookie HERE to see the recipe from The Pioneer Woman.

My poor family needs me to get out of this funk :)
No, they aren't going hungry, and they say my meals are great.

Is it just me?
I sometimes get in these "don't wanna's", but this one is lasting for a while.
I guess I should just enjoy not wanting to eat.
I am excercising, and have been told I look thinner.

Don't think these things will help loose weight, but they do look Scrumpdeliscious!
Cream Cheese Filled Pumpkin Muffins...YUMMO!

Go HERE to see this recipe, (courtesy of
Hmmmmm, maybe not wanting to eat is a good thing??? :)

What do you do when you get in a FOOD RUT?

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