
Friday, August 5, 2011

We've been busy!

WHEW! What a week, or two! It seems like this summer has slipped by so fast and the kids go back to school August 15th.....seriously? Already?

We've been taking a couple of last-minute vaca' much fun was had yesterday and today at Wild Adventures! I've got tons of pics to edit, so will post some as soon as they are done. I am exhausted, as the 115 degree HEAT INDEX about zapped me of all life :) Atleast we did the water park this morning, so we weren't as stinkin' hot all day like we were yesterday!

I will try and start posting atleast 2 recipes each week.....who can't resist a little helping hand in the kitchen, I know I'd love to have an extra or two.

Hope you all are having a great summer and hope that you are a little cooler than we are down in the south! Don't forget, post a comment, I love to read them :)

See ya Monday! God Bless!

Thought I'd leave you with a cool retro sign that I snapped a picture of (in a MOVING car too!) on one of our many trips up to Columbus, GA!

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