
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Repurposing ~ Note board

I really enjoy repurposing items when I have a chance. I like the fact that, most of the time, I can use stuff I already have around the house. Out of pocket expense is minimal, if that!

This is a cute little memo board that Ms. M got when she was around 8. She was into princess things back then, but since she's 10 going on 20, not so much anymore :) Her room is done in hot pink and black, so this TOTALLY DID NOT MATCH ANYMORE....oh my! Can't have that now can we?

All I did was cut off the ribbon first. (be sure to save it for later!)

I had this pretty fabric out in one of my totes. Ironed it nice and smooth, then cut it 2" bigger than the board.

I love my staple gun, so I love any excuse to use it! I just folded the fabric in
1", then folded it on top of the board, then WHAMO! Staple it in place. I did one side, then worked on the opposite side, pulling the fabric nice and taught.

Mitered the corners.......

I also used my glue gun and glued the fabric down too (this step is not necessary).

Added the ribbon back to the board. (just hot glued it down on the side)

Reattached the brads and VOILA~!

A brand new note board! This only took us about 30 minutes and now Ms. M has a new board to place all of her cool little notes and cards! She has one that is a longer/skinnier version too...... I guess we'll need to get another hotpink/black fabric to do that one :)

I hope you found this information useful! There is so much that I need to repurpose around the house, guess I should start making my "honey-me" list! Is there anything you've repurposed lately?

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