
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Zinnia' easy to grow

This is a garden of Zinnia's that Ms. M has grown! I can honestly say that I've never had a flower so EASY PEASY to grow from seed.

We planted these one day in June, and within 5 days they had started to germinate. In about a month or so, these things have sprouted and GROWN!!!

Some are around 2' tall and have some of the prettiest colors. I love all of the layers of petals.

This variation have smaller "heads" than some of the Zinnia's, but are almost dainty and Oh-So-Pretty!

Isn't it amazing how God has come up with the millions of different flowers? What an Artist HE is, and I'm so happy to have been able to paint a canvas with just one of his awesome creations ;)

I've already gotten about 5 seeds from one of the flowers I dead-headed today, so we'll have a HUGE garden next year.

We also have some FREE Lantana (transplanted from the back yard) that I'm hoping will start to get big. I love having this little BUTTERFLY garden, just hope some of our friends will come by this fall! :)

Hope you all are having a BLESSED Sunday!

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