
Friday, June 17, 2011

Stupid virus

So sorry I haven't been on here lately. My computer decided to get a virus about 2 weeks ago, and I've spent most of my time trying to retrieve pictures, applique/font files the hard way and it's taken up most of my time.....I guess that's why it's so important to back up your files every so often!

Now with a new computer, I'm hopefully going to get the ball rolling again!

Hope you all have been enjoying the summer so far. Here in the South it's been extremely HOT and HUMID! Just got our first drenching rain on Wednesday, first in over a month. Hopefully the long drought it about over!

I will be sponsoring another giveaway starting next week. (Also need to get back intouch with my others winners too, since I lost all of that info as well!)

Have a very Happy Father's Day and remember all the things our "Dad's" do for us!

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