
Monday, June 27, 2011

Diary of a Fat Girl, Update #1

Well, I've been ZUMBA-ING for 6 weeks now! I can honestly say this is probably the BEST excercise routine that I have actually WANTED to stick too! I really enjoy working out atleast 3 days a week, and do try to get atleast 4 days in if I can!! Yea Me!!! LOL!

I figured that I would "measure" in (of course, instead of "weigh"-in!) every month. I did do a little cheat on week #2 and measured my arms, just to see if this Zumba thing was actually working....and it was!) The first months results, if I do say so myself, were AH-MAZING! Drum roll please.....

A total of 6 1/2" inches ;)

Might not sound like much, and I do have a long way to go, but it's a great start!

Not quite sure when I'll actually take the plunge and have the courage to "weigh"-in, but maybe on week #8! :)

Please share any success stories you have, I'd love to hear them!

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